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Multiple loose paving slabs causing trip issue

Reported via desktop in the Pavements category anonymously at 18:31, Fri 24 March 2023

Sent to Bristol City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4355643.

The large paved area outside 139A Shirehampton Road and Collister Hair has lots of very dangerous loose paving slabs. I tripped badly today on one which was rocking and have stabbed my toe very badly. I'm aware that a local lady broke her leg here on these same slabs about 3 years ago yet still nothing has been done to fix the slabs in place and in fact more are now loose and rock if you stand on them. The is a public space which needs improving and making safe for everyone.

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  • A new enquiry has been raised for this issue.

    Posted by Bristol City Council at 18:31, Fri 24 March 2023

  • A job has been raised with our contractors to action this issue and appropriate repairs or maintenance will be undertaken as soon as they can.

    Posted by Bristol City Council at 14:42, Mon 27 March 2023

  • This issue requires further investigation. We'll provide updates on the outcome in due course.

    Posted by Bristol City Council at 12:18, Tuesday 30 July 2024

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