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Public access track way needs clearing. Behind houses on Shirehampton road bs9 2ee.

Reported via mobile in the Brambles category by Craig Neil Andrew Stanton at 13:52, Mon 5 June 2023

Sent to Bristol City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4633627.

Brambles grown through and over recreation ground fence. Trees and large bushes obstructing vehicle access + dead tree branches falling off. I’ve cleared part of this trackway 4 times since buying our house (161 Shirehampton road BS9 2EE) less than 2 yrs ago but can’t afford to keep doing this without council support as this is not our land and skips + labour are very expensive. You will find a large pile of dead tree branches and brambles which I cleared 2 weeks ago ready to be taken away (picture 1) but the whole fence needs clearing so this problem doesn’t get worse (picture 2). As you can see (picture 3) I’ve cleared almost everything I can reach above head height but can’t get up to finish the top parts. Please can you organise a crews to complete this job and clear the rest of the track allowing me to safely store my vehicle off the road and on our rear driveway (had my last van stolen so can’t just leave it on the road again) and my neighbours to safely access there gardens also. Thankyou

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  • A new enquiry has been raised for this issue.

    Posted by Bristol City Council at 13:52, Mon 5 June 2023

  • This issue has been resolved. No further action is required at this time.

    State changed to: Fixed

    Posted by Bristol City Council at 15:07, Wed 22 November 2023

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