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Fence along both sides of Dingle Road

Reported via mobile in the Inactive roadworks category anonymously at 16:18, Saturday 2 March 2024

Sent to Bristol City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5658204.

The fence running along both sides of Dingle Road has been damaged for years (5 years at least) and is steadily getting worse. There is some provisional fencing to stop pedestrians falling into the river but nothing has since happened to create a permanent solution. The fence is being eroded further on both sides, most recently (2 months ago) by the cutting back of trees. The tree felling company bent the existing fence out of shape and left it in a sorry state. Please can something be done to fix what is broken and errect new fencing where necessary. Many thanks

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  • Thank you for your report. This issue has been forwarded on and will be investigated by our Network Management team who will be in contact with the relevant roadworks promoter.

    State changed to: Closed

    Posted by Bristol City Council at 16:18, Saturday 2 March 2024

This report is now closed to updates from the public. You can make a new report in the same location. Please reference 5658204 in your new report if it is an update on this one.