Flytipped rubble STILL in flowerbeds months after reporting
Reported via mobile in the Obstruction category anonymously at 17:33, Thu 1 August 2024
Sent to Bristol City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6304729.
Construction rubble has been dumped in the flower beds between houses on Hassell Drive and Hayes Close.
Been reported multiple times. Case keeps closing without rubble being removed - why??
Previous case number is 5900995.
Some of the bigger pieces appear to have been removed. The rest was left. It's now covered in spring/summer foliage, so the opportunity to remove it easily has passed and it's hard to see - but it is still there.
Unfortunately it's not an easy thing to pick up... It will take time to clear because it's a lot of small bits of rubble and gravel.
Please please please can someone take responsibility and remove it, and not automatically keep closing the case.
We have drug dealers in this area and in no small part is probably down to the fact Newtown is neglected - lots of litter and flytipping that remains, which attracts more of these problems and anti-social behaviour (significant drug use too).
This has been reported both on Fix My Street and via BCC web pages for litter and flytipping. The stuff is still there after many months and several reports.
What's more frustrating than having dealers, drug use, flytipping and litter in your neighborhood? Having portals to report it and nothing being done.
Thanks in anticipation that maybe this time the message will get through and action will be taken.
A new enquiry has been raised for this issue.
Posted by Bristol City Council at 17:33, Thu 1 August 2024
This enquiry has been referred to another team for action. They will provide further updates on the issue in due course.
Posted by Bristol City Council at 11:27, Thu 8 August 2024
This Fix My Street enquiry has been automatically closed.
State changed to: Closed
Posted by Bristol City Council at 00:05, Wed 18 September 2024
This report is now closed to updates from the public. You can make a new report in the same location. Please reference 6304729 in your new report if it is an update on this one.