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Damage to the grass areas

Reported via desktop in the Bin/Seat damage category by Alexander Lax at 10:26, Saturday 30 November 2024

Sent to Bristol City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6802827.

The 2 Dog Poo bins in Oldbury court which are in the park away from the tarmacked roads are emptied every day. The small truck that is driven to them on the grass is causing significant damage to the grass, particularly at this time of the year. If the bins were moved to be adjacent to the tarmacked areas this damage would be avoided and the emptying job would be quicker. This is not an emergency situation but I would appreciate it if this could be considered when park maintenance is to be discussed.

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    Posted by Bristol City Council at 10:26, Saturday 30 November 2024

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